*Although, knowing that your Fox can never be replaced, we believe that having another four-legged furry companion may help lessen the sadness in your home. In the unlikely death of your Fox within one year from its birthday due to genetics, or if the Fox is found to have a life-threatening congenital or hereditary disorder (within one year) that adversely affects the health of your Fox, we will replace the Fox with another of equal value at no cost to you.

*In the event of the death of your Fox, due to life-threatening congenital defects, after the first year of birth, we will issue a credit in the amount of 50% of the original cost towards the purchase of a replacement Fox of equal value. In either case, the buyer’s licensed veterinarian must provide the seller with a written certificate stating the exact cause of death as verified by a necropsy/autopsy. If the death was caused by a genetic defect listed above and not neglected by the buyer, the Fox will be replaced with one of equal value as soon as one is available. In the case of death, you will also have to provide the microchip that was given by Exotic Family Fennec Fox. (This is to prove that it is the canine you bought from Justin Rays Kennel). If these regulations as well as the ones below are not met the guarantee becomes null and void.

What we need from you for the guarantee to be valid.

Nothing makes us happier than knowing we were able to bring a healthy, happy Fox into your home. We do need your help to ensure your Fox remains healthy.

  • Email a copy of the initial examination (medical record) within 10 business days of receiving your Fox. The examination must be performed by a licensed veterinarian. Your Fox will come with up-to-date, age-appropriate vaccinations, so make sure you do not vaccinate within the first 10 days of receiving your Fox.
  • You will need to Microchip your Fox with Exotic Family Fennec Fox.
  • While we de-worm and vaccinate your Fox until the time it goes home, you will need to continue proper de-worming and conduct regular exams at least up to 16 weeks of age or more and regular veterinarian checkups every 6 months for life.
  • If you ever have to use this Guarantee, you will need to provide all paperwork from the initial sale given to you by Exotic Family Fennec Fox, registration papers (if applicable), all the vet records showing the continued health and maintenance of your canine from vet checks/visits every 6 months and produce their microchip.
  • If these regulations are not met the guarantee will become null and void.